Sunday, February 22, 2009

Prey / Predator (Part 1)

Humans are a complicated and brilliant race of beings. They are almost impossible to understand due to the fact that the human psyche had been improving through the ages. There is an ominous amount of knowledge and historical data that the human brain could store throughout the lifetime of its host.

However, lets strip the human psyche to its core; to its barest necessities: the human instinct. In other words the animal instinct.

What is Instinct? Its not something anyone can learn or be taught. Everyone is born with there instinct. Some might say its a unique, god given gift to each and every human being. Its an important factor which distinguishes one human to the other apart from there superficial features and mannerisms. Instinct is what drives us. It urges us to survive and lead our boring old lives till its end. It might make us unusually good at something or even know about something we do not even have a good skill set at.

But lets focus more on survival. Instinct is like a sixth sense which could make you sense whether its safe or if there is any imminent danger. That makes it called an animal instinct as each animal (including humans) have the urge to survive. For instance how does the deer know that the cheetah in the shadows is a danger or how does a lion know that the unwitting prey is his next meal. All is instinct.

The same can be applied to humans. For instance when you see or meet someone for the first time or get introduced, subconsciously or on purpose, you will do a quick analysis if that stranger. This analysis would lead you to the conclusion whether he or she is a friend or enemy; a victim or an opponent; a predator or prey.

This context can be put into all the different kind of relationships one human has to another:

  • Strangers
  • Love
  • Parents
  • Friends


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Accident in Slowwwww motion!

Ever wonder what it’ll be like while you are actually having an accident or falling off your motor cycle or in any way injuring yourself while using an automobile, wonder no more! I had recently got in to such an incident which gave me much experience and more than that more bruises and cuts. So let me describe to you…my readers…in full colour…AND IN SLOW MOTION…the accident.

Well it was a typical alarmingly hot day in male’. Feeling too hot to stay inside my friend and I decided to take a drive around male’ in our motor cycles.

Though our sole intention was just to try to cool off, we can’t help looking around for babes walking with almost small outfits: thank god for the searing heat. Good thing there was an outdoor basketball  tournament which attracts a lot of babes to watch their boy friends and prospective guy friends play :P

Well everything was going well. Feeling the wind in my hair. Letting the metres go by it was a combination of paradise and hell at the same time (searing heat=hell; get it).

Suddenly the world turned upside down…well literally DUH!

(The below description in SLOW MOTION is somewhat fictional as I kind of blacked out the falling part and got to my senses only after falling off)

I was swirling around and around trying to get control of my motor cycle but with no avail.

My muscles flinched at the idea of my body colliding with the concrete hard cement road just below me…OUCH!

My adrenaline pumped. Not in the sense getting ready to shoot the winning goal while playing football or hitting a winner in tennis or a putting a dunk in basketball. But it was more of a panic induced rush.

With my head buzzing with finality of my face having to meet with the concrete road below me, i made a drastic and very foolish mistake…I used the front brake…

Which then brings us back to my world turning upside down.

As i was skidding and falling i thought to myself “Is this really happening. I’m getting in on an accident, FINALLY”.

I don’t know what collided with the ground first. All i can think about was why is the world going dark.


After all that ruckus i slowly opened my eyes…to find that a huge weight was pressing on my leg. Just my luck, the whole motor cycle had ended up on my left leg with the silencer making a BBQ out of  it.

Suddenly strong hands gripped mine and pulled me up. It seems the onlookers had a heart to help poor old me to get my motor cycle  off me.

And that was the story 0f how muzay met with the road ( kind of looking for a how i met your mother vibe here:P ). 


Saturday, February 7, 2009

World Of Warcraft the Ultimate MMORPG drug

I started playing this game called World Of Warcraft (WOW for short) which is all about adventuring a really big ( big in the sense humongous, gigantesque, ominous or all the words in the thesaurus for big :P) environment where you just have to level up by doing anything which may include killing animals or monsters ( which i have an inkling that they are extinct or a dying breed) or fighting player vs player or doing QUESTS.

Its basically a rpg game with almost no boundaries and you could do anything you want and interact with many people in your server.

And you can level up to level 80. Its a fun and time packed ride up to the top.

But the thing is the ride well it takes time and the more you play WOW you would likely tend to forget things like going outside, interacting with your friends and family, getting exercise and ultimately having to say farewell to your social life isn't a happy experience.

But though its a “drug”; a really addictive one at that, you can still get the experience of playing the best ever online game ever made. But, you will need to play it accordingly and not play for hours and hours. Look what happened to me. I ruined a brand new cool laptop by playing it almost more than 12 hours a day without sleep.

So you be the judge of this amazing game and let me know if you want any help with your character.

This is Xlydwen in khazgoroth Oceanic Server signing off saying don't get pulled into the game you yourself controls your destiny (or something corny like that :D )



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