Humans are a complicated and brilliant race of beings. They are almost impossible to understand due to the fact that the human psyche had been improving through the ages. There is an ominous amount of knowledge and historical data that the human brain could store throughout the lifetime of its host.
However, lets strip the human psyche to its core; to its barest necessities: the human instinct. In other words the animal instinct.
What is Instinct? Its not something anyone can learn or be taught. Everyone is born with there instinct. Some might say its a unique, god given gift to each and every human being. Its an important factor which distinguishes one human to the other apart from there superficial features and mannerisms. Instinct is what drives us. It urges us to survive and lead our boring old lives till its end. It might make us unusually good at something or even know about something we do not even have a good skill set at.
But lets focus more on survival. Instinct is like a sixth sense which could make you sense whether its safe or if there is any imminent danger. That makes it called an animal instinct as each animal (including humans) have the urge to survive. For instance how does the deer know that the cheetah in the shadows is a danger or how does a lion know that the unwitting prey is his next meal. All is instinct.
The same can be applied to humans. For instance when you see or meet someone for the first time or get introduced, subconsciously or on purpose, you will do a quick analysis if that stranger. This analysis would lead you to the conclusion whether he or she is a friend or enemy; a victim or an opponent; a predator or prey.
This context can be put into all the different kind of relationships one human has to another:
- Strangers
- Love
- Parents
- Friends
Interesting post!